Publisher Server : MSSQLL1
Subscriber Server : MSSQLL2
Subscriber Server : MSSQLL2
Take a backup of the destination database at the subscriber MSSQLL2 before making a snapshot.
Deployment Steps
To replicate the article Demo
a. Navigate
to the replication publisher MSSQLL1
b. Right
click on the publication and select properties
c. A
window will appear with the properties for the replication, choose the articles
d. A
list of all the tables will appear, navigate to the table you want to add to
replication (remember to uncheck the show only checked articles in the list)
e. You
will now put a check in the checkbox for the new table.
Click the ok button.
g. Execute
below to set publication properties (allow_anonymous and
immediate_sync is set to false)
use [publisher database]
--Run on your publisher
EXEC sp_changepublication
@publication =
'Publication name',
@property =
'allow_anonymous' ,
@value = 'False'
EXEC sp_changepublication
@publication =
'Publication name',
@property =
'immediate_sync' ,
@value = 'False'
h. Change the above value to True and run it in reverse order after the below steps are completed.
i. Now right click on the publisher and choose Launch Replication Monitor.
i. Now right click on the publisher and choose Launch Replication Monitor.
The replication monitor will open in a window,
right click on the replication instance for the one you added the new article
k. Click
on Generate Snapshot. (Snapshot will be create snapshot only for one
table as publication properties (allow_anonymous and immediate_sync is
set to false)
to the Publisher in Management Studio, and then expand the server node.
m. Expand the Replication folder, and then expand the Local
Publications folder.
n. Expand the
publication for which you want to synchronize subscriptions.
o. Right-click the
subscription you want to synchronize, and then click View
Synchronization Status.
p. In the View Synchronization Status -
<Subscriber>:<SubscriptionDatabase> dialog box, When synchronization is complete, the message Synchronization completed is displayed.
q. Click Close.
Please monitor: All Subscriptions to make
sure the latency falls back to normal pretty quickly.
Hope this helps you in replication
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